AST of mycobacteria

Organisation of the EUCAST subcommittee on Anti-Mycobacterial Susceptibility Testing (AMST)

Remit of the EUCAST AMST subcommittee


  1. Define and standardise a reference methodology for MIC-determination of the M. tuberculosis complex and non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM).
  2. Develop a SOP for the EUCAST reference MIC method.
  3. Develop a SOP for the calibration of surrogate methods against the EUCAST reference MIC method.
  4. Develop a technical reference protocol for MIC-determination of antimycobacterial agents dissolved in DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide).
  5. Define a set of quality control strains.
  6. Organise studies to establish reproducibility of the reference method in at least three laboratories.
  7. Organise  studies to generate MIC distributions for the reference strains. The reference MICs will be performed in at least three reference laboratories.
  8. Interact with the EUCAST Steering Committee in the setting of breakpoints for antimycobacterial agents.
  9. Define the relevance of molecular testing and mutation frequencies and their relationship to phenotypic testing.


EUCAST-AMST Subcommittee (SC) members 2024


  • Emmanuelle Cambau (France), Chair.
    GHU APHP-Nord, Université de Paris, Inserm UMR 1137 IAME, Service de Mycobactériologie spécialisée et de référence, Hôpital Bichat - batiment principal locaux IMEA rez de chaussée, 46 rue Henri Huchard 75018 Paris, France (email: emmanuelle.cambau[at]
  • Jim Werngren (Sweden), SC Secretary 
  • Daniela Cirillo (Italy), AMST SC member
  • Miguel Santin (Spain), AMST SC member
  • Fernando Alcaide (Spain), AMST SC member 
  • Emmanuel André (Belgium), AMST SC member
  • Jakko van Ingen (The Netherlands), AMST SC member
  • Miguel Viveiros (Portugal), General committee/AMST representative
  • Christoffer Lindemann, EUCAST Steering committee observer
  • Gunnar Kahlmeter (Sweden), EUCAST Steering committee observer, curator of the EUCAST MIC distribution database, webmaster
  • Christian Giske (Sweden), EUCAST Steering committee observer


The AMST Network Laboratories are listed here.


Information for industry aiming to bring agents to EUCAST for review and revision of breakpoints or a new agent to EMA for registration is available at Information for industry