Steering Committee
The ESCMID-appointed Steering Committee consists of the Chairman, the Scientific Secretary, the Clinical Data Co-ordinator, the Technical Data Co-ordinator, a representative from each of the European national breakpoint committees and two representatives from the EUCAST general committee. Proposals, draft documents and tentative decisions are submitted for consultation to the General Committee, external expert groups and an email distribution list of pharmaceutical and susceptibility testing device manufacturing industries.
- Chair (2024 - ) Sören Gatermann
- Scientific secretary (2023 - ) Mandy Wootton
- Clinical Data Co-ordinator (2016 - ) Rafael Canton
- Technical Data Co-ordinator and Webmaster (2016 - ) Gunnar Kahlmeter
- Educational officer (2025 - ) Barbara Holzknecht
- EDL (2025 - ) Erika Matuschek
- PK/PD experts (2019 - ) Joseph Meletiadis and Shampa Das Smith
- BSAC (The United Kingdom) Alasdair MacGowan alternating with Robin Howe
- CA-SFM (France) Marlene Amara
- German NAC (Germany) Sören Gatermann
- NWGA (Norway) Christoffer Lindemann
- SRGA (Sweden) Christian Giske (immediate past chair)
- EUCAST General Committee Representative 1 (Denmark, 2023-2025); Switzerland 2025 - 2027)
- EUCAST General Committee Representative 2 (The Netherlands, 2023-2025); China 2025 - 2027.
EUCAST decision and consultation processes
All current and previous Steering Committee members and positions are listed here.
To obtain professional help with travel arrangements for Steering Committee meetings,
contact Gunnar Kahlmeter (Technical Data Coordinator).
Travel reimbursement for Steering Committee members - download and complete this form.
Send the form directly to ESCMID (email in form). It no longer needs a signature from EUCAST.
ESCMID travel insurance of EUCAST SC members
Following applications from three countries 2022/23, ESCMID decided to appoint Denmark and the Netherlands to serve on the Steering Committee (SC) for the period 2023- 2025 and to afford China the role of SC "obsever via link" and to iterate their application for 2025.
Applications for the period June 2025 - May 2027 will be announced late 2024. Currently EUCAST has received applications (deadline February 2025), for 2025 - 2027 from China and Switzerland.
We wish to always remember our two colleagues and friends who are no longer with us:
1. Johan Mouton. Since the very beginning, Johan Mouton, was important to EUCAST in that he was an ardent supporter of European harmonisation and of bringing PKPD to bear on breakpoint setting. Johan died in the evening of Tuesday 9 July, 2019. The Steering Committee meeting 8 - 9 of July was the only meeting since 2002 to which Johan could not travel. We shall miss Johan for his courage and his passion for getting it right!
2. Martin Steinbakk, former EUCAST Steering Committee member, sadly died Monday 11 April, 2022. Martin chaired the Norwegian working group on antibiotics (NWGA) for many years and was in 2001 one of the original members of the EUCAST Steering Committee. He then represented the Norwegian committee and we learnt to appreciate his experience in susceptibility testing, his quiet humour and his sonorous voice. We worked with Martin for many years and now our thoughts are with his wife, children, grandchildren and friends.