Here you can find the latest news and updates from EUCAST.
RAST methodology updated
Rapid AST directly from positive blood culture bottles (RAST) - several documents were updated. the breakpoint table was updated - new information on how to screen for and characterize benzylpenicillin resistance in...[more]
Calibrating zone diameters to MIC-values - 2025 update
EUCAST calibration files in which inhibition zone diameters are calibrated to MIC-values are updated per species yearly. For 2025, the following are new or have been added Cefepime-enmetazobactam vs....[more]
Update of SOP 12
SOP 12: "Process to Submit Disk Content (Potency) Data for Joint CLSI-EUCAST Working Group Review and Approval" was updated to SOP 12.1. [more]
Public consultation on breakpoints for Candida auris from the EUCAST AFST subcommittee
Public consultation on breakpoints for Candida auris 2025-03-06 - 04-17. [more]
Colistin gradient tests and disks have no place in susceptibility testing
For many years EUCAST has warnedusers that colistin disk diffusion and gradient tests (EtestTM from bioMerieuxand MTSTM from Liofilchem) fail to predict colistin resistance in all relevant bacteria. bioMerieux has...[more]
Streptococcus pneumoniae and benzylpenicillin susceptibility testing.
We are frequently asked questions regarding (1) EUCAST Warning No. 7: is this warning specifically directed at benzylpenicillin gradient tests (EtestTM, bioMérieux, and MTSTM, Liofilchem) when used for Streptococcus pneumoniae or...[more]
Guidance on cephalosporins for Staphylococcus aureus infections
Updated guidance on the use of and dosing of cephalosporins for S. aureus infections. Various cephalosporins have been used for many years for treatment of a variety of infections caused by MSSA. The third-generation...[more]