
Breakpoint tables are used together with other EUCAST guidance

The EUCAST breakpoint tables are part of a system for categorising microorganisms as susceptible (S and I) and resistant (R) to agents approved for use in the treatment of infectious diseases. Breakpoint tables are freely available but we would like to remind users of other parts of the system which are equally important. These are for example"Expert Rules" and "Expected Phenotypes", "What to do when there are no breakpoints" and other guidance documents, such as those dealing with how to cope with "IE", "Dash", "Breakpoints in brackets" and disease specific breakpoints. We would also like to remind users of thepublic consultationprocess in which everyone can participate. Consultations for autum 2024 are being prepared:

  • Endocarditis breakpoints are under review - discussions ongoing and consultation is being prepared.
  • Nocardiae spp - breakpoints and MIC/Zone diameter distributions and criteria are being developed - more difficult than anticipated. Species identification, species multitude and diversity of results are problematic. The good news is that it seems disk diffusion can be made to work better than initially anticipated.
  • A version of the EUCAST dosing tablerelevant for children, is under preparation and we hope to share a first version for comments and questions in September/October.