
S, I and R and surveillance of AMR

This is to clarify how "susceptibility (S and I)" and "resistance (R)" should be reported in AMR surveillance with the EUCAST definitions of S I and R. With the EUCAST definitions, the tradition to report "non-susceptibility" as the joint rate of %I and %R is abandoned. Previously (pre-2019) it was tempting to lump I and R together whereas with the modern EUCAST definitions, both S and I are susceptible categories and breakpoints have been systematically reviewed and revised to reflect this. In antimicrobial resistance surveillance there are three alternatives:

  1. Report only %R
  2. Report %S, %I and %R separately
  3. If for some reason lumping categories is deemed necessary, lump S and I (to represent %susceptible) but never lump %I and %R.