Here you can find the latest news and updates from EUCAST.
EUCAST consultation (comments and responses) on the implementation of "Susceptible, increased exposure"
The EUCAST consultation on the "Susceptible, increased exposre" resulted in several comments. These and EUCAST responses are now available. [more]
Antimycobacterial susceptibility testing
Several changes - rationale documents for bedaquiline and delaminide published, consultation finalised, and a reference method for MIC testing of Mycobacteria published. See the web pages for Antimycobacterial susceptibility...[more]
EUCAST documents in Serbian on NAC website.
All EUCAST documents have been translated to Serbian and are now available from the NAC website.[more]
Revised expert rules published.
All expert rules have been revised. Public consultation completed.[more]
Maps showing EUCAST implementation updated.
Maps showing the implementation of EUCAST have been updated for 2019.[more]
EUCAST public consultation (until 30 June) on proposed breakpoints for Burkholderia pseudomallei
EUCAST public consultation on proposed breakpoints for Burkholderia pseudomallei[more]
Proposed joint CLSI/EUCAST SOP for optimizing disk contents.
A joint CLSI/EUCAST ad hoc subcommittee/working group has proposed an SOP for the determination of optimal disk contents. Comments are invited through either committee procedure.[more]