Here you can find the latest news and updates from EUCAST.
Antifungal breakpoint table updated (v6.0)
New antifungal agents and revised breakpoints have been added to the Clinical breakpoint table for antifungal agents. The previous versions are available in the archive.[more]
Anidulafungin v 2.0 published
Anidulafungin v 2.0 published together with comments during consultation.[more]
Fluconazole RD v 2.0 published
Fluconazole rationale document version 2.0 and comments from consultation are published. See Rationale documents for antifungal agents.[more]
Fosfomycin rationale documents
Two newrationale documents published, fosfomycin and fosfomycin-trometamol.[more]
Micafungin breakpoints and RD
Micafungin breakpoints and rationale document (and comments during the consultation period) are now published. [more]
Validation of disk diffusion
Validation of disk diffusion - new files and updates: S.pyogenes, S.agalactiae,S.pneumoniae, Screening for beta-lactam resistance in S.pneumoniae, Pasteurella, Campylobacter.[more]
Breakpoints for antifungals - Table v 5.0
A new version of the EUCAST breakpoint table for antifungals is published on Jan 9, 2013.[more]