Here you can find the latest news and updates from EUCAST.
Files correlating MIC and zone diameters updated
The files demonstrating the correlation between broth microdilution MIC-values and inhibition zone diameters are now updated. The files are organised by species or species group and agent. [more]
Several Rationale Documents updated
A series of EUCAST rationale documents have been revised and published in the new format. [more]
Publication in JAC of Vibrio spp methods and material for breakpoints
Publication in Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy: Vibrio species - development of EUCAST susceptibility testing methods and MIC and zone diameter distributions on which to determine clinical breakpoints. Onur Karatuna et al....[more]
The 2024 breakpoint and QC tables available
The breakpoint tables, dosing tab, QC tables and manuals pertaining to disk diffusion updated. [more]
Colistin susceptibility testing
A few weeks ago, we informed EUCAST users, that the Warning against bioMerieux AST material for colistin, still stands. The item referred (by a link) to the EUCAST Warnings page where it was made clear exactly which material was...[more]
CMR publication on the use of wild type MIC distributions and ECOFFs
Wild-type distributions of minimum inhibitory concentrations and epidemiological cut-off values-laboratory and clinical utility. Gunnar Kahlmeter,John Turnidge. Clinical microbiological reviews, December...[more]
Fosfomycin - response to consultation and guidance on iv use.
Fosfomycin - response to consultation and guidance on intravenous use. [more]