Here you can find the latest news and updates from EUCAST.
EUCAST AFST General Committee meeting 2018 - minutes
EUCAST AFST General Committee meeting 2018 - minutes [more]
EUCAST on the Intermediate category - responses to comments on 3rd consultation.
EUCAST has proposed to modify the definitions of S, I and R and to remove the "buffering for technical uncertainty" hitherto a part of the definition of the intermediate category. EUCAST responses to comments on the 3rd...[more]
Updated Breakpoint table (v8.0 updated to 8.1)
EUCAST breakpoint tables v 8.0 (valid from 1 Jan, 2018) has been updated to v 8.1 (valid from 16 May, 2018). The following updates (highlighted in light blue in tables) were introduced: - Enterobacterales, carbapenems comment...[more]
Minutes from the VetCAST meeting during ECCMID 2018 available
The minutes from the VetCAST meeting, ECCMID in Madrid, 2018, are now available. [more]
General consultation on MIC distributions and the setting of ECOFFs
The subcommittee has finalised the new document defining Wild type MIC distributions and ECOFFs and listing methods for the determination of epidemiological cut-off values (ECOFFs). It is now open for general consultation (1st of...[more]
EUCAST Posters at ECCMID available
EUCAST EDL posters at ECCMID 2018 are now available from the EUCAST website.[more]
The page "Compliance of manufacturers" updated!
The document "Compliance of manufacturers" will not be further updated. New information has been added to the page where previous versions of this document are accessible. [more]