Here you can find the latest news and updates from EUCAST.
New and updated Rational Documents published
Ten new or updated Rationale Documents published, all identifiable in the list of documents by the date 2021-02-08).[more]
EUCAST online seminars - new titles for 2021
EUCAST is looking for input from users on which titles for online seminars to concentrate on during 2021. [more]
EUCAST news January 2021
There is only little news from EUCAST January 2021. The next EUCAST Steering Committee meeting is on February 1 - 3. Again via video links. Several users of EUCAST breakpoint tables have asked how to translate dosages (Tab...[more]
Website statistics updated
The use of EUCAST websites continue to increase. The number of monthly unique page views are now between 80 000 and 100 000. We encourage users to bring forth ideas and proposals for how to improve the website further. [more]
Breakpoint tables for 2021 published
The EUCAST breakpoint tables for bacteria 2021 published.[more]
Updated reading guidelines for AST of bacteria
Reading guidelines for AST of bacteria withdisk diffusion and broth microdilution were updated.[more]
Updated QC tables
QC tables are updated as new agents or strains are added. Changes between a current and a previous version are described in the introduction of the table.[more]