Here you can find the latest news and updates from EUCAST.
EUCAST system for abbreviating antimicrobial agents - update
EUCAST system for antimicrobial name abbreviations (January 2022).Previous version(13 July, 2018)[more]
AFST comment on AST of dermatophytes
From the EUCAST Antifungal subcommittee (AFST): Comment on: Multicentre validation of a EUCAST method for the antifungal susceptibility testing of microconidiaforming dermatophytes.[more]
The table listing breakpoints and ECOFFs for antifungal agents and relevant fungi is now updated.
Antifungal agents have MIC distributions in the EUCAST MIC distribution database. ECOFFs are assessed and revised as new data is available. Also clinical breakpoints are regularly assessed and sometimed revised. The EUCAST AFST...[more]
All MIC/Zone diameter calibration file updated. Anaerobic bacteria added.
With changes in the breakpoint table v 12.0 and the adding of disk diffusion criteria for anaerobic bacterial and for Vibrio spp, the calibration filesshowing the relationship between MIC and inhibition zone...[more]
EUCAST/ESPID joint task force on dosing of antibiotics in children - questionnaire on common practices.
EUCAST and ESPID arepreparing to address antibiotic dosing and exposure in children to match the current EUCAST recommendations for adults. To initiate discussion and development we encourage colleagues to answer the...[more]
Delafloxacin ECOFFs and TECOFFs published
Delafloxacin, a recent addition to the quinolone agents, has now received ECOFFs and TECOFFs.[more]
Happy New Year from the EUCAST
This is to wish all EUCAST users a happy and successful new year and to summarise some recent changes and additions to the EUCAST system. Breakpoint tables v 12.0 (2022) with MIC and disk diffusion criteria for Vibrio...[more]